Elm In the Spring 2020

Elm In the Spring
Chicago ❀ TBD

Elm in the Time of Corona

Elm in the Spring is postponed

Our top priority is for everyone involved in Elm in the Spring to have a positive experience, and before anything else that means a safe experience. Given the pandemic and the critical need to shelter in place to protect each other and ourselves, we have postponed Elm in the Spring.

Even if the shelter in place order in Illinois were completely lifted on April 30 as currently scheduled, none of us on the Elm in the Spring team would feel comfortable asking either our attendees, our speakers, or our volunteers to travel and spend the day together.

We look forward to getting together to celebrate Elm and the community with all of you in the future. Until then, stay safe and stay home -- we'll see you on the Elm Slack!


All Elm, all day!

Elm in the Spring is a single-track, single-day conference for developers who love Elm. Whether you’re an Elm expert scaling up your production app or you're just starting out with your first Elm project, join us for a great day of learning, teaching, and community.

Elm in the Spring 2020 will take place at some point in the future at theNewberry Library in Chicago.

All attendees are expected to observe the conference Code of Conduct.

Conference Grants

We strive to be an inclusive, accessible, and welcoming community. To help break down the barriers that prevent diversity in technology, we are excited to provide conference grants. If you would like to attend the conference but are not able to due to financial circumstances, please fill out the grant form. (The grant application is open while the conference is postponed!)

Stay In Touch

For conference updates, join our mailing list. No spam. Ever.

Or, follow @elminthespring on Twitter


Emma Cunningham

Keynote Speaker

Emma Cunningham is a formal semanticist turned software engineer who currently is interested in thinking about distributed systems, data pipeline tooling, data visualization, and optimizing queries both for speed and semantic value. As a former linguist, they often think about how expressive type systems, reliable error messaging, and higher order logic can help solve these concerns in a maintainable and scalable manner. As a human being, their passions are in cooperation, abolition, magic, fermentation, descriptivist grammars, and a just transition away from extractive economies.

Yonatan Kogan

Put your Model in the CloudCo-Presenter

Yonatan is originally from San Francisco and now lives in Columbia, SC. He is a Senior Software Engineer at ActBlue, an online fundraising platform for Democratic candidates up and down the ballot, progressive organizations, and nonprofits. He previously worked at Tock, a Chicago-based restaurant reservations company, Optimizely, an A/B testing platform, and Romotive, a Sequoia-backed robotics startup. He is also a founding member of GenderAvenger, a community dedicated to ensuring women are represented in the public dialog.

Outside of work, Yonatan enjoys cooking, biking, sci-fi, watching Jeopardy, and working to improve his community.

Jacob Matthews

Put your Model in the CloudCo-Presenter

Jacob Matthews is a senior staff software engineer at Tock. Before becoming a professional programmer, he was a computer scientist who studied functional programming. He gravitated to Elm as a way of combining these two interests. When he's not programming, Jacob likes performing improv and playing with his baby.


More Speakers Coming Soon!

Want to share your idea? Submit a talk!

Elm in the Spring welcomes new and seasoned speakers to give a talk in Chicago! Each talk slot is 30 minutes. We’re reserving a minimum of two (2) talk spots for first-time speakers.

Want to see last year’s talks? Check out our Youtube channel!


Thank you to our Sponsors

Without the support, involvement, and enthusiasm of generous sponsors and supporters, Elm in the Spring would not be possible . You or your company can become a sponsor for Elm in the Spring 2020. For more info, check out becoming a sponsor.